Johnny Canuck and The Russian Rocket – Info & Credits

Johnny Canuck returns in “JOHNNY CANUCK & THE RUSSIAN ROCKET”, the 6th movie in the MY NAME IS JOHNNY CANUCK series.

This 45 second short film follows Johnny as he reminisces about his childhood, and a toy that would change him forever.

This film premiered as the introduction to Pavel Bure’s jersey retirement ceremony, in Rogers Arena on November 2nd. Pavel said he liked it.

The MY NAME IS JOHNNY CANUCK film series resurrected the historical Johnny Canuck character as a gritty and real personification of the 140 year old icon.

Director/Johnny Canuck – Adam MacKay-Smith
Producer – Sonya Adloff

Little Johnny Canuck- Thane
Little Johnny Canuck’s voice- Kiyomi

“Epic Evolution” by MP

Associate Producer
Derek Jory

Sue Parfitt and Yon Bergson and Leify
Winni MacKay-Smith
Stu MacKay-Smith
Ace MacKay-Smith
Big Boot Inn
Simon Hergott
Brent and Judy Ecklund and Hak
Mike Hall
Jason Steensma
Demetra Koutsopodiotis
Scott Arkwell
Kristen Dillon and her Pops
Feet Banks
Kathryn Lorimer
Davey Phillips
Jimmy Gluvic
Yasuko Adloff
Caffe Motivo
Jungle Jim’s

And special thanks to George Littlechild for being my uncle, as well as lending his legendary art to Johnny Canuck’s toy box.

Thanks for watching!