
Upon public release, the original “MY NAME IS JOHNNY CANUCK” film went viral on YouTube and was even shown during the Canucks Stanley Cup playoff games at Rogers Arena.

It was featured on CBC National News, TSN, Sportsnet, Global TV, CTV, Entertainment tonight and more. It was showcased on hundreds of websites, including Huffington Post, The Globe and Mail and CBS Sports, and many newspapers across North America.

It was shared over 65,000 times on facebook alone, it trended on twitter, it received a quarter million hits on YouTube in the first week, and was broadcast to a television audience of millions. For the weeks that followed, MacKay-Smith was interviewed on Global TV, CTV, CBC radio and many more news outlets.

YouTube Trends 6/14/11

CBC Radio – All Points West


The Vancouver Sun

The Province


Puck Daddy

Fail Blog

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